Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

How to Take Good Notes while Listening

  • Prepare yourself for listening. Find a quiet place and settle in for a few minutes of auditory work.
  • Resist distractions!
  • Take notes. Studies have proved that taking notes (text or visual) helps the listener stay engaged and make connections while listening to a speaker.
  • As you listen, learn to recognize when the speaker is making an important point. This is often signaled by pausing, citing specific examples or numbers, making references to an expert’s opinion or using phrases such as “this is important,” “it’s important to remember” or “make sure you understand that. …”
  • Pay attention to intonation — or how a speaker’s voice rises and falls. A change in intonation may signify an important point is about to be made. 
       Try to take a note this news  Download Here

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