Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Eating Food in the United States and Indonesia

Eating Food in the United States and Indonesia
Food is very important for human to survive in life. Each country in the world has a specific food which different from other countries. Even though there are some similarities between traditional food, they also have a lot of differences. Indonesia and the U.S. have their own specific food. It is good to know both the similarities and the differences of food between U.S. and Indonesia refer to keep a good relationship.
First of all, both Indonesia and United States people usually change their menu for each mealtime. For example, they always change the menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In other words, they didn’t eat same menu for lunch and dinner.

In addition, both Indonesians and Americans take just a short time to prepare their breakfast. It is because the people rush in doing their routine activities every day. On the other hand, it usually takes a longer time to prepare lunch and dinner than breakfast.
Second, both Americans and Indonesians consume fresh food every day. For instance, they eat fruits, vegetables, and fresh meat. Not only the Americans always eat snacks as additional food, but Indonesians also have this custom. They eat it in their spare time. It usually happens late in the afternoon. However, probably kind of snack could be different.
Despite these similarities, eating food in Indonesia and United States has some differences. For example, Indonesian people eat the same food every day for lunch and dinner. That is rice. Rice is a main food for Indonesian folk. Even so, they eat it with other foods, like meat and vegetables. On the other hand, American people eat a variety of foods each day. In particular, they eat pizza, sandwiches, pasta or noodles, and sometimes meat for dining.
Another difference is how people prepare the food for lunch and dinner. In the United States, people take a longer time to prepare dinner than lunch. They cook the food approximately one and half-hours before eating. On the other hand, in Indonesia, people take a longer time to prepare a lunch than a dinner. For dinner, they usually warm the food that was cooked at noon instead of making more.
A final difference in eating food between the United States and Indonesia is the taste of the food. In general, Americans prefer a sweet taste or a little bit salty in their food. In contrast, most Indonesian people like a hot and spicy taste in their food. Also, Indonesian would like to eat food that still warms instead of food that is not warm anymore. Therefore they always warm their food before eating. On the other hand, American people admit to eat food that isn’t warm, like sandwiches.
Even though Indonesia and the United States had some differences in eating food, they could eat one to another’s food. They would like to try food each other. Even sometimes they invited to each other. Indonesians were supposed to decrease the spicy of their food when they invited their American friends. In the same way, Americans could add a bit of spicy to the food when they invited their Indonesian friends. Consequently, both Indonesians and Americans can invite each other for dining with a pleasant food.

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