Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

   Learn By Video

 From time to time, when you look at and read a text in front of you, you keep asking yourself this essential question… Why do some people achieve their goals almost effortlessly while others fail to do so?
       The longer you think about it, the greater the opportunities you see in front of you. The opportunities that decide about your future, your money and your family. About cash that fills your account straight from your work, which you do, thinking that you fulfil your dreams.
       You work hard. Would it be true if I said that hard work is simply not enough to make a real breakthrough? The secret of success is something totally different from hard work.
Imagine you are doing what you love… and you gained new skills in the simplest way possible.
Learn English Trough Pictures

 Would you like to learn basic English easily with pictures? There are a lot of lessons and topics for you to select. In each lesson, you can see words, pictures, pronunciation buttons. By looking pictures, you can know the meaning of the given words easily. Are you ready? Choose a topic to start.

How to Take Good Notes while Listening

  • Prepare yourself for listening. Find a quiet place and settle in for a few minutes of auditory work.
  • Resist distractions!
  • Take notes. Studies have proved that taking notes (text or visual) helps the listener stay engaged and make connections while listening to a speaker.

Procedure text: Definisi, Tujuan, Jenis, Generic Structure dan Contoh

Pengertian Procedure text Dalam Bahasa Inggris : Definisi, Tujuan, Jenis, Generic Structure dan Contoh – Apakah ada yang dari kalian yang pernah membuat makanan dari resep yang anda baca? Anda membaca resep dan mempraktekan step demi step cara membuatnya. Bahan dan langkah-langkah pembuatannya disajikan dalam resep tersebut. Ya, resep yang anda baca merupakan contoh procedure text atau bisa disebut procedural text. Pada kali ini KBI akan memberikan penjelasan tentang definisi, tujuan, jenis, generic structure dan contoh procedure text.

Definisi Procedure Text
“Procedure text is a piece of text that give us instructions for doing something.”
Procedure text adalah sebuah teks yang memberikan kita perintah atau instruksi

Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Eating Food in the United States and Indonesia

Eating Food in the United States and Indonesia
Food is very important for human to survive in life. Each country in the world has a specific food which different from other countries. Even though there are some similarities between traditional food, they also have a lot of differences. Indonesia and the U.S. have their own specific food. It is good to know both the similarities and the differences of food between U.S. and Indonesia refer to keep a good relationship.
First of all, both Indonesia and United States people usually change their menu for each mealtime. For example, they always change the menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In other words, they didn’t eat same menu for lunch and dinner.

Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

Essay About How to Imrove English Skill

Many students complained one of the English language skill is listening very hard. They consider listening can only be learned through recording the type played by teachers in the classroom with the opportunity three times over. Though outside the classroom students can also improve their listening skills. There are three ways in improving listening skills such as listening learn by listening music, by watching the movie, and by asking tourist recounts.
The first is learn by listening music listening. Everyone has a different genre. If a song has become a favorite, they will try to listen to it repeatedly, then look for the lyrics, but to be a good listener try to write what we heard then just find the answer on the internet. This method will be more effective if we look it at the same pronunciation. Then finally we will accompany the song and started to get new vocabulary.